No. 1 (2022): Discourse of Law and Administration

Dear Readers,
we present you Vol. 1/2022 of the Discourse of Law and Administration, wishing you a pleasant reading. All articles of this issue are devoted to issues related to measures of appeal in civil proceedings. These are articles about: complaint against the decision of the court referendary (by dr hab. Aneta Arkuszewska, prof. UR), complaint against the actions of a bailiff (by dr hab. Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska), appealing against the division plan in enforcement carried out by the compulsory administration over the debtor’s enterprise or farm (by dr hab. Izabella Gil, prof. UWr), a cassation judgment of a court of second instance (by dr hab. Joanna Mucha, prof. UAM), the issue of admissibility of a cassation complaint in social insurance cases heard in simplified proceedings (by dr Magdalena Skibińska, UZ), a horizontal complaint in court enforcement proceedings (dr hab. Marcina Uliasza) and in the court of second instance (by dr Zbigniew Woźniak, UZ) and reasons for rendering proceedings invalid as grounds for a cassation complaint (by dr hab. Tadeusz Zembrzuski, prof. UW).
Sincerely yours,
Magdalena Skibińska, Ph.D.
Scientific editor of the issue
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