No. 1 (2021): Discourse of Law and Administration
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Dear Readers,
we present you Vol. 1/2021 of the Discourse of Law and Administration, wishing you a pleasant reading. Within this volume authors dealt with a number of interesting and important topics in the field of civil proceedings concerning: the scope of the court's jurisdiction when deciding on the admissibility of group proceedings (dr hab. I. Kunicki, prof. UŁ), a draft act to introduce obligatory mediation in matters arising from individual employment relationships (dr hab. J. Mucha, prof. UAM), a new condition for the admissibility of an appeal, which is the submission of an application for justification of the judgment of the first instance court (dr hab. M. Krakowiak, prof. UŁ), a new institution of the evidence agreement in commercial proceedings (dr hab. M. Rzewuski, prof. UWM), evidence limitations in separate proceedings in commercial cases (dr hab. M. Muliński, prof. UŁ), seizure of a movable property in the course of enforcement proceedings (Dr. Z. Woźniak, UZ) and the role of the guardianship court in cases related to termination of pregnancy (dr J. Sadowska). Furthermore, in the issue you will also find studies on broadly understood private law, covering such issues as: defective marriage by proxy (dr hab. M. Rzewuska, UWM), limitation of the right to defense from the perspective of private law norms (Dr. K. Górny, UZ), Digital Street project (Dr. P. Mysiak, UZ), the concept of legal affairs (dr R. Wrzecionek, UZ) and the concept of family in the context of ongoing social changes (Dr. M. Zieliński, UZ), coronavirus infection as a tort in the context of cross-border employment relationship (dr M. Wasylkowska-Michór, UZ), use of documentary and electronic forms of legal transactions in labor law (dr J. Zdanowska, UZ).
Sincerely yours,
Magdalena Skibińska, Ph.D.
Scientific editor of the issue
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