The scope of the court’s jurisdiction when deciding on the admissibility of group proceedings


  • Ireneusz Kunicki University of Lodz


admissibility of group proceedings, court jurisdiction,, procedural conditions,, group proceedings,, civil proceedings


The article discusses the issues of the scope of the court’s jurisdiction when adjudicating on the admissibility of group proceedings pursuant to Art. 10 of the Act on pursuing claims in group proceedings. Thus, the meaning of the term admissibility of group proceedings and the time limits for adjudicating on admissibility were defined. Next, the reasons for the admissibility of this procedure are presented. The question of the group size was discussed in the broadest scope. In addition, the remaining premises were discussed: the single nature of the claims, the same or the same factual basis and the legal title from which the claims arise. Finally, the issue of procedural prerequisites was discussed.


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How to Cite

Kunicki, I. (2021). The scope of the court’s jurisdiction when deciding on the admissibility of group proceedings. Discourse of Law and Administration, (1), 25–38.