The attitude of Russia’s authorities and law doctrine towards ratification of the Rome Statute and the International Crime Court membership


  • Rafał Czachor Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University


the Rome Statute, Intenrational Criminal Court, Russian Federation, international criminal law, international cooperation in criminal matters


The following paper covers the issue of changing Russia’s attitude towards the ratification of the Rome Statute. The paper focuses on the main arguments in favor of Russia’s withdrawal from the abovementioned document. It was argued that such decision was solely politically motivated and contributes to the incremental Russia’s criticism of Western-centered international legal order. Thus, the paper supports the thesis that political factors significantly impede the creation of a system of international criminal justice.


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How to Cite

Czachor, R. (2024). The attitude of Russia’s authorities and law doctrine towards ratification of the Rome Statute and the International Crime Court membership. Discourse of Law and Administration, (1), 7–19.