Basic values (principles) of financial law in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland against the background of the constitutions of selected European countries
financial law, the Constitution, values and principles, European countries, control of public financesAbstract
In this study, I made an attempt to present the basic values (principles) of financial law
in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland against the background of the constitutions
of selected European countries (Germany, France and Spain). These values (principles) derive
their source from the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The results of the
research in the presented scope may lead to the conclusion that in terms of the constitutional values-
principles of financial law (public finance), the adopted constitutional solutions have elements
that emphasize the importance of the budget, tax laws, financial tasks of the state and territorial
units as well as matters of collecting, spending and organization of financial governance. The postulate
for the future is to guarantee provisions in the Constitution that guarantee a permanent and
unchanging tax system. The discussed values and principles, apart from the German solutions, also
apply to the control of public finances. The statute regulates the system of state control, including
financial and budgetary control.
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