Digitization of the construction process in Polish and Georgian Law



  • Lucyna Staniszewska Adam Mickiewicz University


construction law, digitaization, digitalization of administrative processes, administrative decision, construction administrative bodies


This article concerns the introduction of digitization in the Polish and Georgian administrative
procedure, based on the example of the construction process. A digital e-construction
platform was introduced to streamline the administration process and contribute to the efficiency
of construction procedures, simplifying the submission of applications by investors. However, this
is the beginning of the reform of the construction law and spatial planning aimed at streamlining
administrative procedures. It is also the first step for the legislator to consider introducing artificial
intelligence in the issuance of certain administrative acts in the field of spatial planning and development
and construction law.
The e-construction platform has been operating in Poland for a year and concerns investments in
the field of construction, both private and public investments. Against this background, it should be
considered how the legislator should adapt the legal regulations to the actual electronisation of the
administrative procedure on the example of proceedings in cases of simple construction and demolition
notifications, notifications, as well as more complicated procedures aimed at issuing permits.


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How to Cite

Staniszewska, L. (2023). Digitization of the construction process in Polish and Georgian Law. Discourse of Law and Administration, (2), 73–89. https://doi.org/10.34768/dpia.2022.2.254